Thinking Outside the Box of Wine

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This week I was the lucky recipient of a “Boozeness Card” from Fraser (, a handy wine carrier was delivered to my office with a printed out letter to tell me about Fraser’s two latest sites and Each bottle a Merlot and a Sauvignon Blanc had its own label promoting the site, so all round stylish operation in getting the brand message across.


Now I was going to write about the wines over at my personal blog but you know what, I couldn’t tell you very much about them. I know what I like, I know what tastes good to me but where it’s got the undertones of some exotic spice or the slight hint of a French mans shoe, I could never tell. I judge a wine on “did I enjoy drinking it, and would I drink it again”, and it’s a yes from me on the red and a yes from the wife and her friend on the white, so as Fraser says he’s not exactly Oz Clarke and I don’t even know who that is 🙂

So to the point, why has Fraser gone to all this expense to send out bottles of wine? He doesn’t own a wine shop (not that I know anyway), he is no Wine Merchant so how come he managed to “think outside of the box (of wine)” and so many merchants with deep pockets and vast resources can’t. Well it’s simple, he is a switched on Internet guy who knows the power of a freebie can generate online exposure, with that it normally brings with it links from reviews (like this) and you tend to actually read what the person has said in the letter they sent. Indeed one of the points he makes is about his Twitter based competition and I just so happen to run Competitions site however he is a few steps ahead of me here as we are not yet promoting Twitter for competitions to our users and plan to do so this month, but now that I been reminded of his competition he end up being one of our 1st ones to promote.

While you be seeing other blog posts about Frasers promotion, you can pretty much bet on it, so well done Fraser and wish you all the best in your promotional efforts, will check in on your Twitter based competition at the end of the month, you can let us know how that went.

Now if any Affiliates are promoting top of the range sports cars and want to send me one, please get in touch 😉